Blog 6: postgraduate studies

Hi everyone, hope all is well. Today I'm going to talk about postgraduate studies.

To be honest still now I never thought in take some postgraduate, cause I'll see it very far away, but I would like take a master in culture and gender studies.

We know that a simplistic definition of gender is a socially constructed definition and is determined by differents concepts, functions, behaviors and roles attributed to women an men and like any other social phenomenon dependens to the cultures and their reproduction of society's sex gender system, is important to learn about it cause it is a way of loooking at how  power structures and social norms impacts on the opportunities an the diary lives of differents groups. I really wanna take a course of gender symbolic construction in Latin America and their effects in reproduction of  exclusion/inclusion system

Maybe I would take a part-time course, but it isn't sure cause i'm little tired of online classes, this semester is enought for me JAJAJAJA. But I know that i would like to study  in Chile, cause here we still needing public polities to ensure a gender perspective for make visible and correct gender inequalities and increase their efficiency and effectiveness. This approach implies importans culturales changes for persons and institutions and obviously we need to create manage strategies to address this topic.


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