Blog 2: The best concert ever

Hi everyone, today im going to talk about the Best concert of my life.

I remembered as it was yesterday the day that i saw residente on concert at that time I was 16 years old, so I thought that my parents dont let me go, but unexpectedly they say yes after many appeals. So im started to work so hard with a friend and after a couple of months we can pay both for tickets.

this is the only decent photo that i have, the others are blurry :(
this is the only decent photo that i have, the others are blurry :(

Residente always had been my favorite artist, since he was in calle 13 with his bro and sis but i never have the opportunity to go to any of his concerts before, cause always did it in santiago, but the things changed in 2017 when he went to Concepción.

The concert was magic since the begging to the end, I even cant say how I felt in the momento, i only know that it was like from another planet, the only bad thing about it was that he didnt sing "sexo" :( and it is one of my favorite's song of the album.
But after all, i can say that it was the Best experience of my life.


  1. AYYY an unforgettable experience, so happy for you!

  2. waaa, so cool for u, and buu:( i hope some day u can see him again in he sings sexo

  3. I'm really happy you could go <3 and hopefully you can go to another concert where if he sings sexo:(


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